Tuesday 27 January 2009

Eels, eels, eels, eels

My sister, Lois, is living in Japan at the moment, doing a three month intensive language course (learning Japanese, as it's less well geared up over there for learning French). Yesterday she went to Akihabara, which is known as Akihabara Electric Town & where you go for anything & everything electronic, anime, computer & otaku ("Otaku is a Japanese term used to refer to people with obsessive interests, particularly anime, manga, and video games." -wikipedia).

Basically, it is Lois Heaven. Anyway, she was writing
about her first encounter of miles upon miles of porn on one floor of a 7 floor store (one of which was a robot floor, just for robots).

Being familiar with the dubious wonders of Hentai (Hentai is a Japanese word that, in the West, is used when referring to sexually explicit or pornographic comics and animation, particularly Japanese anime, manga and computer games. The word "hentai" has a negative connotation to the Japanese and is commonly used to mean "sexually perverted" -wikipedia.), I posted her a rambly message in reply on the comparison you can draw with Victorian & Japanese culture & musings about porn & la-de-dah.

During the course of said ramble, I mentioned octopus and eel porn (the porn is of the octopus, not for the octopus. Poor octopuses. I bet they're sad there's no pornographic demographic they can be part of. There is a whole blog dedicated to all things cephalopod, though. It's here. Also Squidoo.com has an I Love Cephalopods page).

Then Sj got the Eels Song from The Mighty Boosh stuck in her head, and I found this picture online (I think you'll agree it's quite aesthetically intoxicating). So today I have discovered that once one has thought about octo-porn of evening, it's very hard to stop thinking about it, in one way or another (possibly this is the secret of its success).

Hm? Oh, yes. I was actually looking for octopus porn on Google Images when I found this picture (from the Posthumous Blues blog, 21st oct '96. "The official blog of Mat Tonnies, author, futurist and fortean", which is worth a read. Isn't it good when you find interesting sites through idle image searches?). Just out of curiosity, you understand. I'd recommend you don't follow suit unless you're REALLY interested (or unavoidably curious, now that I've written about it). It's the same sort of risky endeavour as image searching 'goatse' (I'm not going to start explaining that one for the uniniated - you can read about it here, in its wiki article).

Related to that, here is Pornotron. Not as dodgy as it sounds, it's a googley spin-off page that gives you only the images that you don't get with safesearch turned off (and no others). Go and play on it - a lot of the pictures have no adult content at all, but associated words like 'hot' and 'breast' (a very cheeky photo of, um, fried chicken).

Don't accidentally type in 'pornotron.com' if you're typing it in by hand, it's pornotron.org. The
former is actually a porn site with a front page full of pictures you don't want to look at over a nice cup of tea. Again, not one to type 'goatse' into. I'm just warning you, that's all. Warning you by putting the idea in your head. What a lovely theme I am establishing for this post!

I will make it nicer:

There. All better. (from cuteoverload)

Anyway, next!

You probably need to watch this video. If you are already familiar with Hurra Torpedo, you will hopefully understand my eagerness to share. We only just found out about them yesterday. If reading the following series of words either peaks your interest, intrigues, thrills, fascinates or perhaps even faintly horrifies you, then you really should click on the vid link:
Bonnie Tylernylon tracksuitspercussive kitchen appliance destructiongratuitous bum crack actionimpressive hair & beard ensemble swedish musical style.

Hooked yet?
Tut. You're too fickle. Go and have a look anyway.

Finally, here is Tontie. A game I got stuck to a year or so ago & recently rediscovered. So far I've only played it once. Though that once did have ten continue options, so maybe it counts as more than once. It's actually really really good, if you have a need to learn the little extended number pad on keyboards so that you can use it without looking. I had a terrible moment when I first played it on my laptop & didn't notice that I could press num lock to make a block of numbers & letters into a psuedo-extended number pad. I thought I may have lost Tontie forever. Once you have played it, you will understand.

Um, probably.

Have a look at the other games available too, particularly the 'grow' games, if you've not encountered them before. It's all about doing things in the right order. Oh, and if it IS driving you mad, you can cheat & look it up online. Which I have only done once, as an alternative to biting through a pillow and going "Gnarrrrrrr!".

Ending on a picture I drew a while ago, suitably raunchy to match my porno theme...


  1. tontie is hard without the right-hand number pad....

  2. It's true, the alternative num lock version (mine has them laid out like this:
    m )

    is a tricksy tricksy beast. But think of your amaaaaazing finger dexterity afterwards!

    Unless you're trying it on the actual bar of numbers. That must be nearly impossible.
