Friday 23 January 2009

2nd Post with bonus WORDS! Also, t-shirts & money musings

Today I shall actually write a blog with words, though it would be unfair not to put a picture in as well, so I shall find a nice one in my drawing folder on the mac & upload that.

First, news of merchandise - mmmmm!

Laurie T-shirts are available for the very first time!

Through RedBubble, which is perfect for my needs, as it asks nothing more complicated or organsation-heavy than an image upload. I am so very rubbish at doing more than that, thus this suits me to the ground for first t-shirt try-outs. The format is limited to one image within a pre-defined space on the front of the tee but, for the simplicity, I'm quite willing to forgo the opportunity of massive all-over prints and doodles on the sleeve.

So far they're doing quite nicely, with several comments and quite a few favouritings. My first tee (arse monkey. Great word for faux-tourettes sufferers) even got onto the featured page when it was uploaded, which was lovely. It's probably on the 2nd or 3rd page by now, but the interest it got me while it was on the first page did me good. Yesyes.

No sales yet, mind. I'd like a sale. It'd make me feel quite special, AND earn me £3!

Working on the new Trof Times for Feb at the moment (Trof are three bars in manchester, that you can learn more about at their website. Watch out! It's a noisy link), which is very welcome indeed, as I'd forgotten they weren't doing one for January & missed the cash very much indeed. BUT the month without did make me realise that I've come to rely on my monthly Trof income (which I'm very fortunate to have) which I shouldn't be relying on so much for, as all things, Trof Timeses are transient & one day will no longer there. Also, that it's too easy to get stuck in a rut & be doing the same stuff all the time, even for very little money. So I'm officially finding an agent now. No, really, honest. This will make my mum very pleased.

There's probably an excellent argument against getting an agent, as a potentially hip young street artist (though I am at the very edge of that definition, I think). Certainly managing my own jobs will get me that extra 10/20/30% (I forget what the current going rate is, and should perhaps check that, to avoid being diddled by the unscrupulous). However, if it bypasses me having to search for and organise jobs, that's money worth paying, I reckon. For, as previously mentioned, I am dead rubbish at that.

Also, agents talk you up a bit, and set decent prices for things. Half, if not three quarters of any artist's success in this world does tend to be down to their ability to self-publicise. Mum (who has spent most of her working life as a freelance illustrator) is constantly telling me that to price your art low is all very well, but by doing it you also lower the value of your work in the eyes of those you're trying to sell to. It's very true, and all a bit of a balancing act. Unfortunately, it's a difficult thing to price one's own stuff up higher, particularly if you need money enough that the possible loss of a sale is a worse prospect than a sale that brings in less cash.

Of course, if you're willing to play the bluff and say bollocks to a lost sale, the raised price will be all the better if and whatever work in question it is DOES sell. Thus you become someone who sells in a higher price bracket. Thus you get attention from those who buy in a higher price bracket. Thus your work does indeed become worth more. Thus you over use 'thus' in a blog post, and start to sound foolish.

Today Laura (11) has two friends over, both of whom come from clean & lovely but smokey households. I wonder if "smoking makes your kids smell funny" would work as an anti-smoking ad campaign.

Finally, some good stuff I've been perusing/using as displacement activities:

Neil Gaiman's Journal & Twitter.
By the law of averages there must be someone who hates him and all that he does, but they've probably confused him with L. Ron Hubbard. Easily done, I believe. Scienctology & Sandman both start with S.
Following the tale (ho! nearly an intentional pun) of his dog-with-a-poorly leg has been most entertaining. And pleasing, because the dog is getting better.

Steampunk Vader Mask

Yum. Find it here.

The Universal Comedy Flow Chart

Full size here

The Heavy Metal Band Names Flow Chart
Things You Say During Sex Flow Chart
All from comic vs. audience.

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